Four simplest yoga moves to lift your butt

Yoga movements are becoming more and more popular among people, especially female friends, who often use yoga movements to shape their body. So if you want to develop good-looking buttocks, you can also achieve it through yoga movements. Let’s take a look at four of our most common yoga movements to lift your butt.

Magic Chair< /p>

Phantom Chair Pose

Phantom Chair Pose, to do this action, we first need to stand up straight with our legs together, chest up and abdomen in. Then we squat down as if we were sitting on a chair. We can feel our buttocks tightening. At this time, we can raise our hands above our heads and clasp our fingers together. Hold this action for at least 30 seconds in one group, and you can do 3 groups at a time.

Frog Lying

The frog lying movement is very interesting, that is, lying on the ground like a frog. We need to open our legs so that there is a 90 degree angle between the big and small legs. We should try to keep our thighs in a straight line with our hips, that is, the legs should be opened as wide as possible, and they should be as close to the floor as possible. Hold this action for 20 seconds, relax and then start again.

To raise both ends

To raise both ends, first we need to lie on the ground and relax and straighten the body naturally. At the beginning of the movement, our heads and shoulders should be lifted back as much as possible, the higher the better. At this time, our legs can be opened and knocked upward, the higher the better. In this way, our bodies will be tilted at both ends.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose, that is, the shape of our body and the ground form a triangle. First, we need to stand up straight with our legs together, then lean over, let our body face downward, use both hands to support the floor, and let our upper body and legs form a 90-degree angle. Note that the legs and lower back are straight, and the arms Also straighten, so that it forms a triangle with the ground. Hold the action for 30 seconds as a set.

The above is an introduction to the hip-raising method of yoga movements. There are many movements, so that everyone can selectively choose the one that suits them. Of course, it is important to choose the right method, and being able to stick to it is also the key to achieving the butt lift effect.