Lateral raise variation: Side raise with elastic band!

Elastic Band Side Raise!

Speaking of the middle deltoid muscle, we will naturally think of lateral raises!

The lateral raise is one of the indispensable movements for shoulder training. It uses shoulder joint abduction to help us develop the middle deltoid muscle!

Usually we use dumbbells to perform lateral raises. Today I want to introduce you to using elastic bands to perform lateral raises!

Benefits and advantages of elastic bands!

1. The resistance provided by the elastic band is actually a variable resistance training method

This is a method that allows the human body to produce different resistances at different angles when we perform movements. The elastic band allows you to increase the mechanical advantage by reducing the load at the weakest joint position and increasing the load at the strongest joint position. load. Training in this way has been shown to increase power output

2. Friendly to the shoulders: The elastic band has a braking effect on the upward movement, allowing explosive training at the top of the movement without losing shoulder stability. The tension of the elastic band helps you slow down and absorb the momentum!

How to do it?

Choose an elastic band, set the resistance to medium or low, then step on the elastic band with both feet, aligning both sides!

The essentials of the action are the same as the traditional lateral raise. The contraction of the deltoid muscle drives the arm to abduct upward. During the process, the elbow is slightly bent and slightly externally rotated (thumb pointed upward). The height of the arm lift should not be higher than the parallel line of the shoulder!

You can add elastic bands to the dumbbells, and the resistance should be controlled at about 10 times!

​Movement skills:

During the concentric phase you need to increase the speed of movement: lift up against the resistance quickly! During the eccentric phase, you need to control the downward rhythm of the resistance and play back as slowly as possible! Go against the resistance!