Use PVC pipe shoulder joint wrap-around is a very popular training action. This action is great for improving shoulder flexibility! Many trainers use it frequently (warming up before training and improving shoulder function)
The action is also very simple
Keep your body straight and do not swing back and forth.
Hold the PVC water pipe with your palms facing down.
As shown in the picture: Fix the elbow joint with a slight bend, raise both arms to the side, and then wrap the wooden stick behind the body. Pause briefly, slowly relax and place the stick on your chest.
Shoulder wraps not only strengthen but also activate joints. It can also improve shoulder and neck discomfort, but it is not ruled out that many people also experience shoulder discomfort when performing this movement.
Most people use PVC pipes or wooden sticks when performing this movement, but Maybe this is not the best choice!
Most people have more or less mobility impairments in their shoulder joints. Due to the poor posture of modern people who sit for long periods of time, their shoulders will be in a state of forward extension or internal rotation. This will put your scapula in a disadvantageous position and prevent it from rotating upwards normally
At this time, using stiff PVC pipes and wooden sticks for shoulder encirclement movements can easily cause your shoulder joint to be pinched.
This is why even if your grip is wide, your shoulders will still feel stuck
Alternative solution: switch to elastic bands
The unique resistance changes of elastic bands will make Your shoulders have more space and are kinder to your shoulders!
When you go up and around the top of your head When you do this, you will be forced to "push your arms away", which will open up some space for your shoulders and allow your arms to complete the circle movement more smoothly