< strong>Barbell 4 major advantages of rowing!
If you are a person who loves fitness, you are definitely familiar with rowing. Rowing is a very good way to train your back muscles. Whether it is mechanical, cable or dumbbell barbell, there are many types. Rowing action.
Why do barbell rows?
There are hundreds of rowing movements, but barbell rowing has always been regarded as the trump card. Why? Let’s take a look at the 4 major advantages of barbell rowing
1. Train the entire back muscles!
Your upper back muscles are the agonist muscles of bar rowing and are mainly responsible for producing movements. The latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids and rear deltoid muscles are all heavily involved in the movement< /p>
At the same time, your lower back is also working hard, performing strong isometric contractions to maintain the stability and neutrality of the spine and avoid intervertebral disc damage, although the working form of the upper back muscles is different
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2. Barbell rows improve your deadlift!
Both deadlifts and bent-over rows are hip hinge movements
The most common difficulty point in the deadlift is near the knees while you are lifting a barbell The angle of leaning over when rowing bent over happens to be around this!
In most failed deadlift attempts, they are stuck at the knee point. Either the weight is too heavy or there is insufficient core strength to stabilize the body!
We have also introduced the paused deadlift before, staying at the difficult point. Maintain tension to help improve your deadlift!
Imagine this: if you remove the lifting action of your upper limbs during bent-over rowing, this is the pause position in the middle of a deadlift! So bent over barbell rows will definitely help your deadlift!
3. Improve your core stability
Barbell row It helps you build a strong core because you need to activate your core muscles to maintain stability and correct positioning of your torso while performing rowing movements!
The barbell row will teach your core muscles to work together under pressure to maintain a neutral spine and correct hip position! If your core is weak and your spine cannot maintain correct alignment, you will not have a stable platform to support you in completing the rowing action!
4 Barbell rows are a great back shoulder and biceps exercise!
Most people choose to do too many isolation movements when training the rear delts and biceps. In fact, this is not very efficient!
Wide-grip barbell rows will engage your rear delts more
< p>Underhand barbell rows will activate more bicepsMulti-joint barbell rows than isolation movements (Reverse flyes, bicep curls) can load more loads while increasing coordination between muscles! Make your muscles more functional! Make training more efficient!